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To make an attack it is necessary to move 500 levels or more of troops to one of our Heroes (that is not wounded). Then an option to Prepare an attack will be activated in the hero's card. The attack will cost 8 turns if it is in the same region where your hero is located, or 9 turns if attacking in an adjacent (neighboring) region. The target cities and heroes must meet certain requirements to be valid:

Possible targets

  1. If the target city has less than 500 troop levels, it can be attacked as long as our attacking hero does not exceed 2,500 levels. In the case of heroes, with less than 500 troop levels they cannot be attacked (protected hero), this is a way to avoid being captured while you are not connected to the game.
  1. If the target city has 500 troop levels or more, our attacking hero can differ up to /-10% of levels (Attack on equal terms), and also the owning empire can only have between -50% and 200% of your empire value (attack range). This is called being in range. For example if your empire has 1,000 value, you will be able to attack empires from 500 to 2,000 value. In these calculations the values used are the Real Value of the attacker and the Rank Value of the defender.
  1. If the city is the only one that has an empire, it is impossible to attack it as long as the empire has not attacked someone in the last 5 days.
  1. If you have attacked but you have been conquered by cities and you only have one city left, you will automatically enter the only city status and they will not be able to attack you until you start attacking again.


Combat takes place during 10 rounds during which troops attack each other randomly using their different special abilities. The same troop will not attack more than once in a combat to another enemy troop and must be part of at least 5% of the total army, so it is recommended to have several troop types. Heroes also attack and can be attacked in combat (one or more times by the same enemy troop) by effectively using their special abilities or powerful magics (if motivated). The winner will be the empire that has suffered the fewest losses in troop levels, or the one that manages to eliminate all enemy troops. If the battle results in a draw, the defender always wins.

  • Morale of a city. Each city has a MORAL indicator which is normally at 100%. When a hero attacks it and achieves a victory the morale drops between 15% and 25%. The lower the morale of a city the more likely it is to be conquered in the next attack. As an example, a city with 100% morale would have between 0.5% and 2% of conquest, but if the morale drops to 80% the probability rises to 8% (this is just an example). How to recover the morale of a city? Simply each day that passes (at the same time as the turns are given), the cities recover 20% of morale. You can also increase the morale by exchanging the fame points that each city generates (General's Speech).

  • Achieving the conquest of a city. To conquer a city, you must first achieve a victory; then there will be an 8% base chance of conquering it (If the city has 100% morale it is only 0.5% base). To that figure you have to add 1% for every 10 of morale that the city has lost, and also subtract 0.1% for every 1,000 troop levels defending the city. So for example a city at 60% morale (-4%) and 15,000 troop levels defending it ( 1.5%) would be: 8% base 4% for morale -1.5% for troops = 10.5% of conquest. There are other rules that can vary this percentage, such as peaceful empires or special attacks by Orcs and Dark Elves, like the use of war bonuses or the use of Wonders in a clan.

  • Heroes in combat. It is certainly advisable to have a good hero as he will help a lot in the attacks with his actions, special abilities or magics (if he is a priest or mage). However, heroes are subject to the "demotivation" rule when they are not given an army according to their level. In his file you can see the amount of troops he needs to fight motivated (he fights better and uses his special abilities, if he has them).

  • Numerical superiority. In each attack the amount of troops of each side is counted; the amount refers to the number of troops not to the level; for each 1,000 units that differ in battle to the opponent you gain 1% to the attack, damage and morale up to a maximum of 6%.

  • Declaring war on another clan. It can happen that your clan declares war on another clan. If you attack another empire in a clan at war, the troops gain between 1% and 10% to the damage, 2% to conquer cities (if you don't have 100% morale) and 40% of the gold that your hero gets when defeating, so.... It's a great advantage! The limit of war declarations per clan is 3.

  • Protection hours. It is important to know that a city or hero attacked, automatically enters a protection state of 6, 8 or 10 hours (depending on the game) where nobody can attack him again, until those hours have passed. You can also exchange fame in the city, to put it on alert (protection for 24 hours).


  • If one has two heroes in the same region, to one you put 500 troop levels and to another 2,500 levels, the cities that are repeated in both attack pages (if any...) will be those that have less than 500 troop levels defending them (between 0 and 499 levels), so they will surely be easy targets to obtain victories and if luck helps you, to conquer.

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