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At the start of the game the first cities will only have the basic buildings. As the game progresses, we will need to develop the buildings in the cities to meet the demands of the cities, improve their performance and production.

Even if they start out as small villages of a few thousand inhabitants, your cities will prosper. You will be able to construct up to 33 different types of buildings, which will influence both the production of resources (Gold, wood, silver, iron, etc.), and the different aspects of State (Happiness, Unemployment, Hygiene, Religion, etc.).

Buildings are divided into three main groups: Military buildings, production buildings and service buildings.

Military buildings increase the production of troops and improve the defenses of our city, production buildings increase the daily generation of resources, and service buildings improve the state of our city.


castillo.png Castle: Generates more troops every day

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_armas.png

muralla.png Wall: Increases troops defense

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_bloques.png

armeria.png Armory: Increases militia damage to defend the city

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_armas.png

foso.png Pit: It increases the speed of some of your troops and the possibility of attacking first

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_herramientas.png

cuartel.png Barracks: Reduces corruption, increases troops limit within the city.

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_hierro.png

torremagica.png Magic Tower: Increases culture and mana production

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_cristal.png

universidad.png University: Increases culture

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_plata.png

santuario.png Sanctuary: Increases happiness and religion

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_mithril.png

templo.png Temple: Increases happiness, religion and Karma production

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_mithril.png

mercado.png Market: Increases gold production

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_alimentos.png

mercadonegro.png Black Market: Increases gold production and corruption

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_joyas.png

minaoro.png Gold Mine: Gold production increases, decreases hygiene

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_madera.png

minaplata.png Silver mine: Silver production increases, decreases hygiene

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_madera.png

minahierro.png Iron Mine: Increases iron production, decreases hygiene

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_madera.png

minapiedra.png Stone Mine: Increases stone production, decreases hygiene

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_madera.png

minamithril.png Mithril mine: Mithril production increases, decreases hygiene

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_madera.png

aserradero.png Sawmill: Timber production increases

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_alimentos.png

cultivos.png Crops: Increases food production

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_agua.png

yacimientos.png Gems Deposit: Increases the production of gems

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_herramientas.png

pozos.png Wells: Increases water production and hygiene

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_piedra.png

taller.png Workshop: Increases the production of tools, increases culture

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_hierro.png

forjahierro.png Iron Forge: Increases the production of weapons

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_herramientas.png

forjamithril.png Mithril Forge: Increases the production of relics

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_herramientas.png

joyeria.png Jewelry: Increases the production of jewelry

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_herramientas.png

camaracristal.png Crystal Camera: Increases the production of crystal

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_piedra.png

cantera.png Quarry: Block production increases

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_herramientas.png

carpinteria.png Carpentry: Increases the production of tables

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_madera.png

monumentos.png Sights: It generates more fame points and increases the religion.

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_piedra.png

acueducto.png Aqueduct: Increased population growth, increased hygiene, water production increases

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_bloques.png

almacen.png Warehouse: Increased population growth, increased food production

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_tablas.png

coliseo.png Coliseum: Increases and decreases much happiness culture

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_bloques.png

burdeles.png Brothels: Increases happiness and corruption

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_tablas.png

escuela.png School: Increases religion and culture

Resources: icon_oro.png + icon_tablas.png

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