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When an empire becomes large, its leader will have to know how to treat its tens of thousands of citizens and support them in many aspects that might seem unimportant, unless we were to evaluate it globally. You will have to invest large sums of gold in promoting a good policy, which will translate into benefits for the entire empire. You must understand that investments in policies apply to all the cities in your empire. In the table below are listed all the policies for all races, along with a brief explanation of each one. It also details which policies fit which race.

This is crucial when choosing where to use the gold, especially at the beginning of the game (which is when you have the least gold). Therefore, every player who wants to get high in the ranking must be very aware of what policies the race he is playing with has, what each one is for, when and how much it will be necessary to invest in them.

There are policies that are more useful than others at the beginning... there are policies that are hardly used, but it all depends on the stage you are at in the game and how you have structured the cities in terms of buildings constructed.

For example, if we carry Elves, we have founded our cities in Forest, and we rule some region with wood bonus and boards, it will be necessary to invest (in addition to full Sawmills) large sums of gold in developing the Nature policy, thus increasing the productive bonuses of wood.

Different aspects

Breeds to which it applies
Aspect Cost per increase Benefits per each augmentation
Humans Dwarves Elves Orcs Undead Dark Elves
correcto.gif correcto.gif correcto.gif Political Freedom rutascontrabando.jpg 20,000 icon_oro.gif 4% to avoid adversities of Mafias, Protests, Robberies and Revolt in cities.
correcto.gif correcto.gif correcto.gif correcto.gif correcto.gif correcto.gif Justice justicia.jpg 15,000 icon_oro.gif 1 point in Happiness and -1 point in Corruption in all cities.
correcto.gif correcto.gif correcto.gif correcto.gif correcto.gif correcto.gif Gods dioses.jpg 30.000 icon_oro.gif 5% Karma production in all cities.
correcto.gif Nobility nobleza.jpg 15.000 icon_oro.gif Charge -2% Gold, but generates 50 (approx.) levels of each troop up to level 7 (if already generated).
correcto.gif Bourgeoisie burguesia.jpg 20.000 icon_oro.gif Charge 2% Gold, but raises 2 points in Corruption in all cities.
correcto.gif correcto.gif correcto.gif Patriotism patriotismo.jpg 25,000 icon_oro.gif Reduces casualties by up to 10%.
correcto.gif correcto.gif correcto.gif The Woman mujer.jpg 16,000 icon_oro.gif 1% Food, 1% Water in all cities.
correcto.gif correcto.gif correcto.gif Medicine medicina.jpg 15,000 icon_oro.gif 1 point in Hygiene, 5% avoid adversity Plague in all cities. cities.
correcto.gif correcto.gif correcto.gif Military service serviciomilitar.jpg 25,000 icon_oro.gif 2% Damage to level 1 troops up to level 7.
correcto.gif correcto.gif correcto.gif Schools escuelas.jpg 15,000 icon_oro.gif 1 point in Culture and Religion in all cities.
correcto.gif correcto.gif correcto.gif Customs aduanas.jpg 22,000 icon_oro.gif -2% Gold, 2% population growth in all cities.
correcto.gif correcto.gif correcto.gif Torture tortura.jpg 22,000 icon_oro.gif 1 point in Fame in all cities.
correcto.gif correcto.gif correcto.gif Guilds gremios.jpg 20,000 icon_oro.gif Reduces -1 point of Unemployment in all cities.
correcto.gif Nature naturaleza.jpg 22.000 icon_oro.gif 2% of Wood and Planks, 1 point in Hygiene in all your cities.
correcto.gif correcto.gif Arcane magic magiaarcana.jpg 30.000 icon_oro.gif 5% of mana in all cities.
correcto.gif Music musica.jpg 15.000 icon_oro.gif 2 points in Happiness in all cities.
correcto.gif Architecture arquitectura.jpg 30.000 icon_oro.gif 2% Stone and Blocks, 1 point in Fame in all cities.
correcto.gif Rituals rituales.jpg 30.000 icon_oro.gif 3% Damage to all Goblin and Giant race troops.
correcto.gif correcto.gif Demonic cult cultodemoniaco.jpg 30,000 icon_oro.gif 5% damage to heroes in combat.
correcto.gif correcto.gif correcto.gif Cave depth profundidadcuevas.jpg 25.000 icon_oro.gif 2% Iron and Silver, 1% Mithril in all cities.
correcto.gif correcto.gif correcto.gif Smuggling Routes rutascontrabando.jpg 25,000 icon_oro.gif 6% to the gold you generate when creating a trade route.
correcto.gif Slavery esclavitud.jpg 25,000 icon_oro.gif 1% Wood 2% Iron 2% Stone in all cities.
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